Workshop Series: Strengthening the case for Mini-grids in Africa

Workshop Series: Strengthening the case for Mini-grids in Africa

Workshop Series: Strengthening the case for Mini-grids in Africa 1024 576 aflp

The LEDS GP is pleased to invite you to join the Africa LEDS Partnership virtual Workshop Series on “Strengthening the case for Mini-grids in Africa: Connecting the dots across rural electrification, climate resilience and sustainable development”. 

This is part of a four session virtual workshop series to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing on African mini-grids. 

16 April | 15:30 – 16:30 SAST/ 16:30 – 17:30 EAST 
Session 1
: Introduction to the workshop and 2020 work programme (60 mins).

A private session for AMG-CoP members to catch up, introduce our general work programme (WP) for the year, discuss the current situation, our concept for the workshop, its shift to the virtual space and the planned programme. The AfLP used this opportunity to discuss and consult with members on the current Covid-19 pandemic, its impact on the AfLP work programme for 2020, as well as the emerging regional and country needs. 

16 April | 16:40 – 17:30 SAST/ 17:40 – 18:30 EAST 
Session 2: Making energy access through mini-grids affordable: The role of governments and international climate finance (60 mins).

This session explored the current mini-grid climate finance landscape in Africa and how tapping into available climate finance can strengthen both rural electrification and climate action. We looked at the financing landscape assessment that has been developed by the Finance Working Group, and heard from selected AMG-CoP members, as well as a Climate Fund representative.

Josh Ogada (SouthSouthNorth ) 

Alexia Kelly (Electric Capital) 
Alexander Obiechina (ACOB Lighting) 
Geoff Sinclair (CAMCO Clean Energy)
Alexander Ochs (SD Strategies)

Watch the recording below:

Download the presentations: Introductory Presentation (Josh Ogada); Alexia Kelly Presentation; Geoff Sinclair Presentation.

30 April | 15:30 – 17:00 SAST/ 16:30 – 18:00 EAST
Session 3: Exploring the rural electrification – climate resilience – sustainable development nexus (90 mins).

This session assessed the role of mini-grids in the current NDCs of Sub-Saharan African governments and discussed how a stronger focus on mini-grid-based rural electrification can increase climate ambition while delivering multiple sustainable development co-benefits. The session also delved into the co-benefits of mini-grid-based rural electrification, we heard from NREL about the landscape assessment of mini-grids in NDCs, in addition to perspectives from the ground on the integration of electrification, sustainable development and climate action at project level.

Josh Ogada (SouthSouthNorth ) 

Alexander Ochs (SD Strategies) 
Franz Kottulinsky (Rift Valley)
Ieva Indriunaite (SD Strategies)
Dr Victor Osu (Rural Electrification Agency Nigeria)

Watch the recording below:

The Q&A list can be downloaded here.

Download the presentations: Josh and Alex’s combined slides; Franz Kottulinsky presentation; Ieva Indriunaite presentation

7 May | 15:30 – 17:00 SAST/ 16:30 – 18:00 EAST
Session 4: Exploring the rural electrification – climate resilience – sustainable development nexus (90 mins).

A private session for the AMG-CoP members to discuss their key take-aways from the virtual workshop and share experiences from their countries on how integrated rural electrification-climate-sustainable development planning can be put into practice. The session will conclude with a joint discussion on the next milestones for the CoP and a member survey of key topics of interest for their respective countries and regions.

This is a private session for AMG-CoP members only 

Josh Ogada (SouthSouthNorth ) 

Ieva Indriunaite (SD Strategies) 
Alexia Kelly (Electric Capital) 
Alexander Ochs (SD Strategies) 
Tim Reber (NREL) 
Additional Speakers and contributors TBC 

AMG-CoP members: You will receive a separate invite for the closed Sessions. However please do register for the open sessions using the links provided above

The African Mini-Grid Community of Practice (AMG-CoP) – a collaborative network of 16 African country governments – has identified mini-grids as a central element of developing a decarbonised, climate-resilient energy services sector for the nearly 600 million people across Africa who lack access to affordable, safe and clean energy. Mini-grids answer the call for solutions that deliver climate change mitigation and resilience, while also advancing economic and social development benefits. In 2020, governments around the world are required to submit their revised Nationally Determined Contribution strategies for reducing global carbon emissions. This creates a unique opportunity to strengthen the rural electrification – climate resilience – sustainable development nexus. 

Starting 16 April 2020, the AMG-CoP will convene a virtual 4-session workshop for its members and the broader community of energy access practitioners. This unique event will bring together (in the virtual space) African government leaders, climate finance experts, financial institutions and investors, as well as mini-grid developers and operators. The virtual workshop will assess the role of mini-grids in the current NDCs of Sub-Saharan African governments, discuss how a stronger focus on mini-grid-based rural electrification can increase climate ambition while delivering multiple sustainable development co-benefits, and identify the role of governments and international climate finance in this regard. 

This workshop will explore questions such as: 
• How can the sustainable development objectives of electrification, economic development and climate change mitigation and resilience be more effectively integrated? 
• How can energy access in Africa be advanced through climate finance? 
• How can public-private partnerships deliver enhanced electrification and other key community benefits, while also contributing to a stronger bottom line (economic performance) and more attractive investment environment for the private sector? 

The workshop will be co-convened by the Africa LEDS Partnership (AfLP) as well as the Finance Working Group and the Energy Working Group of the Low Emissions Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). 

Photo credit:

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