Rice Community of Practice

Rice production is a key component of Africa’s agriculture sector. Rice is an important staple crop in many African countries, particularly West Africa.  As demand for rice is projected to increase, many African countries are aiming to increase their rice production. However, paddy rice is a key source of GHG emission, particularly methane emissions. Methane emissions are more potent at trapping heat in the atmosphere and raising global temperatures than Carbon dioxide, but have a shorter lifespan in the atmosphere. This means reductions in methane emissions can reduce global warming. It is therefore important for African countries that cultivate rice to ensure that development of the paddy rice sector is aligned to broader low emission and climate resilient development pathways.


To support low emission and climate resilient paddy rice production in Africa, having a collaborative network for key players to interact and share learning is vital. Peer-to-peer learning can support greater understanding of the contribution of rice emissions in the continent and can support shared efforts in developing sustainable practices. The African Climate Action Partnership (AfCAP) aims to convene a platform for peer-to-peer learning and collaboration amongst key African players within the paddy rice sector to promote low emission and climate resilient rice production 

Photo by: Jon Zeus “Two Men with Sickles on a Field”


The CoP aims to advance low emission and climate smart development through the following objectives:

  • Promoting knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer exchanges among key players. Programmes and country institutions within the paddy rice sector
  • Cultivate and support African climate champions and best practice within the paddy rice sector
  • Support capacity development for the design and implementation of low emission and climate resilient rice production in Africa

Key Priorities/Activities

  1. Convening webinars, dialogues, exchange visits, workshops and other opportunities for knowledge sharing
  2. Commissioning of new research and knowledge products to share best practice, emerging trends on mitigation within the paddy rice sector in the context adaptation and climate resilience, food security and economic development
  3. Managing engagement calendars to connect members to opportunities for knowledge sharing
  4. Supporting the participation of African experts at key engagements and events; and activity seeking additional opportunities for members to participate and share their knowledge
  5. Promoting the dissemination of emerging work and activities from members through strategic knowledge management
  6. Mapping networks and partnerships which can be leveraged for mobilizing of resources to support capacity development and activities of members
  7. Facilitating exchange of technical assistance between members
  8. Supporting the development of a pipeline of fundable proposals from members seeking to access resources for their own activities and projects through access climate finance mechanisms such as the GCF

For more information contact: info@africanclimateactionpartnership.org

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