The LEDS GP 2017 Work Plan

The LEDS GP 2017 Work Plan 640 427 aflp

The LEDS GP 2017 Work Plan

We’re pleased to share the 2017 LEDS GP Work Plan, which identifies the upcoming activities and opportunities across the Partnership in the upcoming year. 

During a strategic meeting in the margins of the 22nd Conference of the Parties held in Marrakech, November 2016, the LEDS GP Steering Committee discussed ways in which the LEDS GP could deepen impact through to 2020. This annual work program builds on the outcomes of this strategic meeting and identifies pathways for strengthening activities around the financial, political, technological, and institutional capacities of countries in implementing low emission development strategies (LEDS) and nationally determined contributions (NDCs).

LEDS GP is pursuing three outcomes in 2017:

  1. Changes in the influence and capability of practitioners to increase the quality and ambition of LEDS and NDCs and progress in their implementation, through learning-by-doing, innovation, and technical assistance
  2. Changes in the knowledge and attitudes of practitioners through collaboration and exchange of relevant, context-specific knowledge and resources in specific LEDS and NDC areas
  3. Changes in the quality, relevance and usability of the LEDS and NDC evidence base through practitioners filtering, consolidating, and brokering information to address their knowledge and resource needs

We will achieve these outcomes by:

  • Working with national and subnational teams of practitioners to progress specific LEDS and NDC actions that they have identified as priorities
  • Working with groups of early movers and innovators from different national and subnational administrations in cooperation with development assistance agencies and service providers, to pilot innovative approaches and advance their LEDS and NDCs
  • Enhancing access to knowledge through tailored peer-to-peer learning and training events such as webinars and workshops, curated website materials, fellowships, and by linking resources to technical assistance that is provided
  • Assisting countries in applying knowledge, they have assess to, to strengthen their programs and address specific knowledge needs
  • Improving and creating new knowledge products on LEDS and NDC measures
  • Capturing and disseminating good practices from national, subnational, sectoral actions, and from assistance programs.

Access our 2017 Work Plan for more information on what we’re planning for the coming year and how this will be distributed across our Regional Platforms and Working Groups.

Download the LEDS GP Work Plan

Photo: Gerardo Pesantez / World Bank

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