Africa LEDS Project Factsheet

Africa LEDS Project Factsheet 660 400 aflp

Africa LEDS Project Factsheet

The Africa LEDS Partnership is collaborating with the European Commission, UN Environment Program, the LEDS Global Partnership (LEDS GP), and other partners to strengthen capacity for low emission development planning, modelling, and implementation in the Africa region. Africa LEDS activities with partners in Cameroon, Cote D’Ivoire, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo are focusing on laying the groundwork for successful LEDS  and NDC implementation through supporting stakeholder-driven LEDS planning processes. With partners in Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique, and Zambia, efforts are focusing on LEDS modelling to provide strong analytical backing for LEDS and NDC action and implementation. The Africa LEDS project is building on LEDS progress within these partner countries and strengthening existing in-country analytical capabilities to support implementation of impactful actions. As a key component, the initiative is also bringing together countries at the sub-regional and continent-wide level to share lessons and catalyse implementation of key climate actions. Through the sub-regional component, African countries within five regions (Central, Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Western Africa) are coming together to share lessons and solutions to key challenges related to design and implementation of LEDS and NDCs.

See the Africa LEDS Project factsheet here

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