Watch this webinar: Mini-Grids and the Arrival of the Main-Grid: Lessons from Cambodia, Sri-Lanka, and Indonesia

When planning mini-grids, developers often overlook the potential arrival of the grid. The arrival of the grid can threaten the operation of mini-grids and effectively developers’ business model. To avoid stranded assets, we will explore the different models put in place in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia that can help safeguard mini-grids against future risk with the arrival of the main grid.
In this webinar, Dr Chris Greacen provided five models/options for the operation of mini-grids to adapt to the arrival of the main grid.
This webinar took place on Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Speaker biography
Dr Greacen has a Ph.D. in Energy and Resources from the University of California at Berkeley, where his doctoral dissertation focused on community-scale micro-hydropower projects in Thailand. He works on policy and hands-on implementation of renewable energy from village to government levels. As co-director of the non-profit organization Palang Thai, he helped draft Thailand’s Very Small Power Producer (VSPP) policies and conducted studies in support of the country’s feed-in tariff program.
As a consultant to the World Bank, GIZ and ADB, he has helped the Myanmar Government shape their electrification program, a significant component of which consisted of mini-grids. He has contributed to developing the regulatory framework for Tanzania’s Small Power Producer (SPP) program, and is currently engaged in a similar process in Haiti and Rwanda.
He has worked on renewable energy mini-grid projects in Asia, Vanuatu, Micronesia, India, and US Native American reservations.
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