Upcoming Online Event: Green Bonds Basics

Upcoming Online Event: Green Bonds Basics 600 377 KM

Upcoming Online Event: Green Bonds Basics

21 September 2021

Are you interested in learning more about climate financing solutions? If so, join the “Green Bonds Basics” presentation on the 21st of September 2021. The presentation will introduce the concept of green bonds, looking into their challenges and benefits, the evolving green bonds market and relevant information on the issuance process. The presentation will also provide insights into how green bonds interlink with climate finance and can be used to attain the SDGs.

This webinar-style presentation is a common effort by the LEDS Global Partnership, Asia LEDS Partnership, Africa LEDS Partnership and Climate Bonds Initiative, and will be delivered via Zoom in English by Climate Bonds’ Lead Trainer, Abraham Pedroza.

Click here for more details, including the presentation content and expected outcomes of the event.

Click here to go directly to the registration page.

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