Nigeria’s roadmap to accelerated mini-grid deployment
To deliver energy access to the 80 million who still lack electricity, the Government of Nigeria has embarked on a process that involves grid extension, mini-grid rollout, and solar home system deployment. The Rural Electrification Agency (REA) is planning to commission 8,000-10,000 mini-grids by 2023 to accelerate energy access and unlock the socio-economic potential of millions in the country. To do so, the Government acknowledges the instrumental role to be played by private sector developers, which has led to the establishment of a competitive procurement process. The first bidding round was concluded in 2018 whereby 890 kW was procured through 12 mini-grids, and the second round completed in Q1 of 2019 (evaluation of proposals underway at the time of writing). REA is working closely with domestic financial institutions to create a more favorable environment for mini-grids deployment in the country.
The AfLP has worked with REA through a series of interviews to develop an infographic that explains the process that they have embarked on. The infographic provides a snapshot of the entire process. For more information at every stop on the roadmap, please click on the hand symbol.
Should you want more information about setting up a similar process, please contact us and we will facilitate conversations with the relevant parties.