Global NDC Conference Report 2017

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Global NDC Conference Report 2017

Download the full report from the Global NDC Conference 2017, featuring key messages and detailed information on Conference plenary and breakout sessions. 

The ‘Global NDC Conference 2017: integrated governance, finance and transparency for delivering climate goals’ took place in Berlin, Germany, from 2 – 6 May 2017. The conference was jointly organized by the LEDS GP, the GIZ Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement, and the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building Programme, in collaboration with the NDC Partnership.

The Conference focused on three key themes for NDC implementation: Integrated governance; financing; and transparency. Each theme corresponded to a different day of the Conference, and featured a plenary session and a series of deep dive breakout sessions on various topics within each theme.

This full Conference report summarizes the content of each panel and breakout session, and provides useful hyperlinks to resources and further information for key topic areas. You can read the Key Messages and download the full report here.

The next steps

The following next steps were identified at the event:

  • The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (GIZ SPA), United Nations Development Programme Low Emission Capacity Building (UNDP LECB) programme, International Climate Initiative (IKI) NDC Support Cluster and the LEDS GP will continue to deliver technical support to meet country needs through already existing activities and communities of practice to advance low emission development strategies and NDC implementation and ambition.
  • These programs and initiatives, together with other partners, will organize topic-specific training and regional peer learning workshop throughout the year on topics such as multilevel governance, linkages of short and long term strategies, linkages of mitigation and adaptation, data and transparency, transport, agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) and energy measures, minigrid policies and standards, renewable energy grid integration, and bioelectricity resources assessment and policies, among others.
  • Flexible, short term advisory support is available to countries through the NDC Help Desk and LEDS GP Remote Expert Assistance on LEDS (REAL) service.
  • The LEDS GP Regional Platforms and Working Groups will adjust current work programs to take into account the outcomes of the workshop, so will the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA) for its regional groups.

Read the full Conference report here

Photo: LEDS GP

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