AFOLU CoP Relaunches, with Focus on Livestock Sector in Africa

AFOLU CoP Relaunches, with Focus on Livestock Sector in Africa 2560 1707 aflp

AFOLU CoP Relaunches, with Focus on Livestock Sector in Africa

The Africa LEDS Partnership  is proud to  relaunch its  Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use (AFOLU) CoP  in collaboration with the AFOLU Working Group and  UNIQUE forestry and  land use. The CoP will initially cover learning and technical collaboration related to common topics and challenges in the livestock sector in Africa.

As the nature of CoPs is demand-driven and highly participatory, members will formulate specific needs and demands for priority topics under this CoP related to for example:

  • Integrating livestock and climate change policies
  • Accounting and emission factors for GHG and NDC reporting 
  • Rangeland management, with a view to mitigation and adaptation
  • Addressing enteric methane emissions
  • Strategies for small-scale producers and large-scale commercial production 

The CoP with take a two-stream approach to the work in 2020: 

  • Stream 1: will focus on polices & governance, including options and needs for a more effective integration of livestock actions into their NDCs, LTS and other implementation strategies and action plans; and
  • Stream 2: will focus on technical challenges & implementation, i.e. innovative approaches and upscaling proven solutions for specific implementation bottlenecks.

Interested parties can write to us if they have any questions or need additional information, and also refer to the Africa AFOLU CoP concept note.

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